StepUpcmg Ltd

Commitment Motivation Growth

Training/Education, Counselling, and Result coaching IN-PERSON & ONLINE VIA VIDEO PLATFORMS


AUTHOR: Book Empower your Midlife and A Journal

Counselling 1:1 and Couple

Result Life Coaching Executive Coaching

Accountablity Result Coach

Training Presenting to Individuals; Groups and Organizations. 


Public Speaking events

Bespoke Trainings

Booked via our booking/ enquiry Contact page.

CMG Talk PODCAST- book a Digital chat

Videos posted /updated with on topic and social media relevancy.

Training Webinars available to book now

STRESS Introduction- Intermediate and Advanced;

ANXIETY Introduction-Intermediate- Advanced;

Wellbeing and Self care; Self Confidence; Mindfulness;

Affirmations; Gratitudes; Anger Managing emotions; Grief, Loss and Change; Self-Awareness and many more ...

StepUpcmg Ltd explores the holistic approach in life, looking after our body, mind and spiritual wellbeing. What we THINK affects how we FEEL affects how we ACT.


Focusing on a balance of good sleep hygiene; eating healthy; drinking freshwater; healthy exercise; mindful practice and seeking a balance of drive and stress/pressure to feel motivated and relaxed in life. Having healthy mindscripts and forming balanced healthy life habits.

When we look at drive and focus, it is also important to have hobbies and interests and ensure we have a good network of support in life-finding a balance in life to keep us feeling our needs are being met healthily.

Challenging ourselves in life whether with goals; insights or learning something new in life is key to our development.

As is simply relaxing and being in the moment, fully present, laughing and enjoying or feeling at peace.

Building memories of our life as ultimately we all need to feel our life has had meaning and purpose.

What We Can Do?

Result Coaching

  • BOOK a series of life coaching directional sessions to focus on goal setting and gain life planning tools; focusing on the key areas in your life, which can cover relationship; family; career; house-goal setting 6mth-1yr-2yr-3yr-5yr plan apart.
  • You set the visualization board objectives and timescales to meet what is first in your life plan.

Trauma Critical Incident Report

  • Initial contact was made within 24-48hrs post-trauma to check-in and provide stabilization and normalization and offer support.
  • Debriefing- Counselling is normally offered as a follow-up 4-6 weeks on, as clinically appropriate some time after the incident took place. To enable the normal process of any feelings of grief/loss/shock/trauma as part of the normal process that occurs and to prevent retraumatization.

Online and Inperson Workshop /Trainings /Conference/ Speaker Engagements

  • StepUpcmg Ltd can provide all kinds of bespoke training whether educational matters or informational on stress; well being or behavioural change.
  • There have been roadshows within corporate environments for security and finance and health and housing, as well as and health centres. Roadshows for stress management have been very successful with StepUpcmg having had many opportunities to have worked to help organizations support their staff identify better ways to improve their wellbeing.

Result Coaching

  • Book a series of Result coaching sessions
  • These sessions focus on executive-level goal career plan and life goal and include finances/retirement -exploring competitive strategic planning and current goals strategies; interim goals strategies and long-term goal strategies to focus on personal and career outcomes.

EAP provider

  • StepUpcmg Ltd provides Short term counselling and clinical support for and on behalf of EAP providers and their organizations.

CMGTalk via any good Podcast channel

  • A Podcast on all things Mental Health. Grief, loss and change. Relationships. Self our personalities and so much more. Where all can tap in to chat with Catherine to ask a one-off question and gain insight/ clarity. This is a truly unique service unlike any other.

Private Counselling

  • Catherine is happy to see clients via appointment booking system either in- person or video or telephone through a secure GDPR compliant system.
  • Model: Although coming from a humanistic person-centred background originally, Catherine over the years has trained and now works in an Integrative approach having trained also in cognitive-behavioural models.
  • Catherine adapts her way of working to each client, as we are all unique individuals.

©2021 Catherine Gallacher last reviewed 2024

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